Save the Date: Spring Fling 2019

Family Fun, Field Games, Fitness & Food

Join other CMS families on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 4pm-7pm for an afternoon of family fun! Food trucks will be there so you can grab a snack or dinner. This is an event for the whole family! If you are interested in helping that day, please emailBernie Urbina Alonso at

CMS-PTO Talk – Anxiety & Depression in Tweens and Teens: Learn How to Recognize the Signs and What to Do When You See Them

Today’s tweens and teens can feel anxious about things such as school, friendships, puberty and growing up, and a lot more. Sometimes, anxiety can lead to feelings of depression. It’s not always easy for our kids to share their feelings with us. In this CMS-PTO Talk, you will learn to recognize the signs of anxiety and depression in your children and how to help them cope. Learning these tips now may help you prevent your child from advancing to self-harming behaviors.

Wednesday, January 30 from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Cupertino Middle School Library


CMS-PTO Meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 9

Please join us at 6:30pm in the CMS Office conference room for this month’s CMS-PTO meeting.

The agenda:

  1. Meeting call to order
  2. Review and approve draft minutes from last meeting.
  3. Officer & Committee Reports

    • President’s Report (5min.)
    • Review & Update on CMS-PTO Election & Timeline 
    • Communications Report (5min.)
      1. Update on using Google Drive to share information amongst CMS-PTO
    • Treasurer’s Report (5min.)
    • Community Programs Report (10min.)
      1. CMS-PTO Talk Schedule 2019
      2. Next Community Event Update – April 5 Spring Event
    • Fundraising Report (5min.)
      1. Fundraising Update & Plans for 2019
      2. Winners from Raffle for families who donated before Dec 31, 2018.
  1. Unfinished Business (10min.)
  2. Principal’s Report (5min.)
    • 8th Grade Graduation
  3. New Business (15min.) – Including Proposals and Announcements
  4. Q&A
  5. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 6 – 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Meeting Minutes:

Board Meeting Minutes: FINAL

Wednesday, January 9, 2019 6:30 – 8:00pm Venue: CMS Office Conference Room

  1. Meeting called to order: 6:32pm. Quorum present.
  2. Motion to dispense with reading of the draft December minutes (Heather). Seconded (Betsy). Motion carries.

    Motion to approve December draft minutes (Heather). Seconded (Maia). Motion carries.

    a. CMSPPTO Election & Timeline

    1. Heather (Secretary), Maia and Michal (CoPVPs, Fundraising) not returning to the board next year. Betsy (VP Comms) TBD. May (President) would like to return to board but would like to run as coP President due to her heavy travel schedule. Everyone else on the current board would like to continue on the board for the 2019P20 school year, not necessarily in their current position.
    2. Discussion of whether to move election to later in the year, after spring event. Decide to keep current timeline.

    b. Need to discuss how to spend funds. Initiatives to focus on.


    a. Update on using Google Drive to share information amongst CMS-PTO b. Also sent out a Team Up calendar
    c. Working on election write-up

  5. CO-TREASURER’S REPORT (see attached spreadsheet) a. Bank balance $80,596

    b. Total Donations of $75,431 are comprised of the following:

Individual donations: $57,474

Corporate Matching: $14,994

Multicultural Event/FFN sponsorship: $2,500

Corporate Donations (Chipotle): $432

Amazon Smiles: $31

c. Donation participation rate 21%
d. 254 families donated
e. Projected balance after committed funds spent = $45,465


  1. CMS Talks:
    1. Anxiety & Depression: January 30, 2019. Need to send “Save the Date” ASAP. Betsy will draft. Later send more details, and request to RSVP.
    2. Addiction: psychiatrist: mid-March. (April is Spring Fitness)
    3. Planning for College (financial seminar). Be sure no marketing at the event. Distributing business

      cards is okay.

  2. Good to have take-home items for parents.
  3. Perhaps exec functioning at beginning of year.
  4. Speakers Series next year – same speaker on same topic over 3-4 times. Example: anxiety and


  5. April event:

i. Review planning doc and provide input. Bernie to send us document again. Start advertising ASAP. Save the date. What is the name? Bernie and Betsy to email name ideas to us. We will vote.


  1. Box Tops update
  2. Dine Out event: Pizza My Heart on Stevens Creek. February 7, 2019.
  3. Possible fundraiser in May, too.
  4. Winners from Disney raffle for families who donated to CMS-PTO before Dec 31, 2018. #63 and #44

    numbers drawn. Families to be announced. Eight tickets given thus far; four to two families.

a. 8th Grade Graduation. PTO receives parent donations.
b. Thank you for CMS-PTO breakfast! Very well received by the teachers and staff. c. Quarter ends this Friday. Grades next week.
d. Next dance date moved to February 1
e. SEARCH presentations tonight
f. Tomorrow = spelling bee

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 6. 6:30 – 8:00PM. CMS Library.

Support CMS, get a tax deduction

! Make a donation to Cupertino Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (CMS-PTO) and help support your child’s education. 

Your support is crucial to providing educational program, community-building activities, and extras for our student and parent community. Contributions collected this year to-date have provided funding for:

  • School benches and picnic tables
  • Major technology lab upgrade
  • Guest speakers for parent and student CMS-PTO Talks
  • Fall Family Night 

Please visit today to contribute and invest in your child’s education. Suggested donation is $300 per family – all donations welcome, no sum is too small. Please don’t forget to submit for corporate matching of your contribution if possible.

Thank you to all families who have contributed this school year to CMS-PTO.

CMS-PTO board meeting – December 5, 2018

Please join us at the CMS-PTO board meeting. Wednesday, December 5, 2018 in the CMS library. The meeting will start at 6:30pm. We hope to see you there!


Board Meeting Minutes: APPROVED

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 6:30 – 8:30pm Venue: CMS Library

Meeting called to order. Quorum is present.

Review and approve draft minutes from last meeting. Motion to dispense with reading made by Heather Marklein. Seconded by Julie Crane. Motion carries. Motion to approve of draft minutes from last meeting made by Heather Marklein. Seconded by Michal Lapede. Motion carries.


Elections: April. May will be our last CMS-PTO meeting of this school year. Heather Marklein to put together brief timeline of election process. Current officers to decide whether to run again by 12/31/18. Outgoing officers attend first meeting of the new school year (in August).

Goal Setting: Betsy to start a brainstorming doc. Then we will have a nonofficial meeting to narrow down and discuss tentative budget.

Teacher Involvement with CMS-PTO. PTO lunch or breakfast with teachers and CMS-PTO. Breakfasts on Wednesdays. First event on Wed., 1/9/19. Maia and Michal to host with Julie. Arrival at 7am. Meeting starts 7:45am. Betsy to send calendar item. 120 people to feed including staff. Wear CMS-PTO tees.

How can CMS-PTO help Web? Welcome packet? Bear Wear etc. when new students come to school?


Please use Google Drive for all docs Should we have a CMS-PTO internal calendar, on Team Snap or similar option? Betsy Slattery to research. We received press coverage in the Los Altos Town Crier of Fall Family Night.


See attached Treasurer’s Report.

Bank balance as of 12/5/18: $98,567
Pending deposits: $1,432
Committed funds: $58,757
Available balance as of 12/5/18: $41,242

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Helen Mah needs invoices for tricycles. Jeanine Woodell just gave invoices for parking signs. Mike Cellini to get SRTS invoice from Leslie.
After discussion, motion made by Heather Marklein: If a budget item is preapproved, then one signature (instead of typical two) will suffice on the check to the payee, vs. two. Seconded by Julie Crane. Motion carries.

Need another $1,000 for domain hosting added to budget. Jackie Crane makes motion re: same. Heather Marklein seconds. Motion carries.

Please get receipts to treasurers ASAP.


Mike Cellini gives overview of how funds are spent (teachers come to him, he funds if aligns with school goals and he has the money. If he doesn’t have the money in his school budget, then takes to CMS-PTO).
WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) funding request: $1,100 tees, $500 food for training days: $1,600 total. See below for additional details. Motion made to fund this request by Jackie Grapa. Seconded by Heather Marklein. Motion carries. Money for this will be spent in August.
Steering Committee for strategic plan for school district. Portrait of a Graduate input. Leslie Mains to share with us. Strategic plan for next 4P5 years. Will vote on it fall 2019. Anu Iyer is new intern at CMS. Ms. Jean Wang subbing at another school for 3 weeks; back 1/7/19.


Mamta Kochar: goal is to have two speakers before calendar year ends. College funding.
Angst documentary screening for parents and students: Heather Marklein to send proposal to Mamta. Mike Cellini: coordinate with other schools on the screening, as well as the district, so it’s a success (like Race to Nowhere a while ago).

Bernie Urbina: Spring Sporting Event. Brainstorm ideas for it. Need help from entire CMS-PTO board to make it a success.


Student Council fundraiser – need to coordinate CMS-PTO fundraiser with theirs. They are doing theirs on 1/15 at Panda Express. CMS-PTO will have Dine Out event in February at Pizza My Heart.

Box Tops competition extended to 12/14. Grades competing!

Betsy Slattery. Heard back from Disney; we have been approved for 20 Disney tickets. Valid for two years. Each is single day Park Hopper.

Need to be most assertive at beginning of the school year when asking for donations to CMS-PTO. Save some tickets to give away to attendees/donors of Back to School Night.
Raffle for parents who have donated to CMS-PTO from the beginning of school year to year-end. Do separate email blast re: raffle next week. Year-end tax letter at same time. Matching reminder at same time.

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Next meeting: January 9 at 6:30 in CMS office. NOT January 2. Meeting adjourned at 8:24pm.




Requested By

Detailed Information/ Itemized Cost

Total Cost


Mike Cellini


WEB Funding Request

P 100 t-shirts for WEB Leaders: $1,100 (not to exceed) P Food for training days: $500 (not to exceed)

WEB  Where Everybody Belongs  WEB is a program that promotes growth in student attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs by facilitating a support network. This network teams 8th graders with incoming 6th graders and students new to CMS for empowering the newcomers with ownership of their new school. WEB leaders are chosen the spring prior to the current school year in a with an application process.

  • August 6, 7, 8 are training days for WEB Leaders
  • August 9, 2019  WEB day for new students 6th,


Total Cost of Proposals


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It’s Giving Tuesday!

Today, November 27, 2018, is #GivingTuesday. #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

We respectfully ask that you consider making a tax-deductible donation to Cupertino Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (CMS-PTO).

Please click here to make your contribution:

Safe Routes to School Community meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018

Please join us at a community meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Homestead High School Library, to provide feedback on the Homestead Road Corridor Safe Routes to School Study.

In June of this year, the County Board of Supervisors approved one-time funding to secure a consultant to develop a multi-jurisdictional conceptual plan for additional on-street safety improvements to the Safe Route to School on the Homestead Road corridor for students coming to and from West Valley Elementary School, Cupertino Middle School, and Homestead High School.

The overall objective of the study is to identify near-term pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Homestead Road, from Grant Road to N. Stelling Road/Hollenbeck Avenue, and to seek funding for the identified improvements through various grant applications.

The purpose of the community meeting on November 26, 2018, is:

• Introduce the scope of the study and provide a study schedule and process;

• Present existing conditions observed through data collection and field observations; and,

• Receive community feedback on existing issues and priorities for the corridor.

There will be a second community meeting in early 2019 to:

• Provide an update to the community on the study status;

• Present proposed concepts; and,

• Receive community feedback on the proposed concepts that have been developed based on input received from first community meeting.

Homestead High School is located at 21370 Homestead Rd in Cupertino. Parking will be available in either of the lots on campus.…/general-informat…/map-and-directions

More information about the study can be found at:…/…/PnS/CP/Pages/Homestead-Rd.aspx

For questions regarding the study or to contact project team, please send an email to:

CMS-PTO Meeting – Wednesday, Nov. 7

Join us at Wednesday’s CMS-PTO meeting. 6:30pm in the CMS library. Remember, all parents and guardians of CMS students are automatically members of CMS-PTO.
Everyone Belongs.

2018-11-07_CMS-PTO Meeting Formal Agenda


Meeting called to order: 6:30pm

Board attendees:

May Bakken
Maria (Bernie) Urbina
Maia Elder Kadar
Michal Lapede
Betsy Slattery
Mike Cellini
Heather Marklein
Julie Crane
Jackie Grapa

Parent and teacher attendees were also present, and are always welcome.
Preliminary presentation: Meredith Smith from Cupertino Educational Endowment Foundation presents check to CMS for $5,903. Thank you, CEEF!

1) Officer & Committee Reports:

  1. a)  Secretary

    i) Quorum present.
    ii) Motion: Dispense with reading of 10/3/18 minutes. Seconded. Motion carries.

    iii) Motion: Adopt 10/3/18 minutes as final. Seconded. Motion carries.

  2. b)  President (will discuss her news below with other leaders)
  3. c)  VP, Communications
    1. i)  Web site address added to CMS marquee
    2. ii)  6 new members on Facebook. Tell your parent friends to sign up!
    3. iii)  Added donation gauge thermometer to CMS-PTO site. Discussed ways to format same.
    4. iv)  Article to local media re: Fall Family Night
    5. v)  Student Council Update: Chipotle Dine Out in the spring. We’re providing Student Council with a list of restaurants that donate 20% percent of net profits. Possibly Gong Cha for boba tea in the future.
    6. vi)  Email from book fair leads: want to partner with CMS-PTO for fall event next year. Need to be part of the date selection process. May Bakken and Mike Cellini to determine date. October 18 or 25 are possible dates. We will work with Mari Vargas (book fair lead) to coordinate.
    7. vii)  There will be a Safe Routes to School meeting with Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian at the Homestead High School library at 6pm-8pm. Everyone is invited to attend.
  4. d)  Treasurers’ Report

    i) Jackie Grapa presents attached report

  1. ii)  Bank balance: $96,504.
  2. iii)  Non allocated: $67,279
  3. iv)  Order average + admin fund categories should be combined into one new category, named “CMS PTO Operations Fund.” Motion re: same. Second. Motion carries.
  4. v)  Need to add CMS-PTO insurance need to add as its own line item, and budget $255 per year. Motion.

    Second. Motion carries.

  5. vi)  Parents can bring reimbursement forms to CMS office. There is folder in the office. Parents just come to office and say they have a form for CMS-PTO. Will be put in a box and processed.
  1. e)  VPs, Community Programs
    1. i)  Bernie: overview of Fall Family Night. 13 countries represented! Great event. Discussed learnings for next year. Do not know yet total expenditures on the event. Jeanine Woodell to recreate the list of HHS volunteers.
    2. ii)  April 5: Spring Fitness Day
    3. iii)  CMS Talk update: Tech Savvy Parenting Talk was very well attended and a great start to our CMS-PTO

      Talk program. Going forward, no alumni panel this year; parents not interested in that topic. Will look

      at parent feedback to determine next topics.

  2. f)  VPs, Fundraising
    1. i)  Michal Lapede: Chipotle Dine Out was great success despite three workers calling in sick! $431 dollars for CMS! Thinking of two more Dine Out events this year.
    2. ii)  Push for donations/giving at end of tax year, holidays
    3. iii)  Box Tops: contest starting within 1-2 weeks. Start counting tops on Dec 7. How do we motivate the kids? Promote in morning announcements (video with the collection box, etc.). Goal: $500.

2) Unfinished Business

a) Discussion of edits to CMS-PTO Bylaws. Motion to adopt with edits. Second. Motion carries.

3) Principal’s Report

  1. a)  Thank you to Bernie and May for organizing the Fall Family Night!
  2. b)  CUSD Board update: three new school board members, perhaps four. Invite a board member to a future

    CMS-PTO meeting? TBD.

  3. c)  Jean Wang: thank you for the tricycles! Will be used next Friday.

4) New Business

a) Funding Proposals (see attached Treasurer’s for more details on each proposal)

  1. i)  Parking lot A-frame barricades (sandwich boards). Est. cost = $700. Motion. Second. Motion carries.
  2. ii)  More Bear Pride Posters/Signage. Est. cost = $1,200. Motion. Second. Motion carries.
  3. iii)  More benches, three sizes, plus two picnic tables (with option for umbrellas). Need before/after

    photos. Est. cost = $5,400. Motion. Second. Motion carries.

  4. iv)  CMS Technology Lab Upgrade – 20 MacBook Air with educational software bundles. Is tech support/repairs included? What about software upgrades? How many students will benefit, and for how many years? Est. cost = $21,452.60. Motion. Second. Motion carries.
  5. v)  4 Go Pros for Multimedia Lab. Est. cost = $450. Motion. Second. Motion carries.

5) Discuss Next Meeting: Should we offer incentives (giveaways, raffles, etc.) to get more people to donate to CMS-PTO? If yes, what should those incentives be?

Meeting adjourned: 8:00pm Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 5, 2018, 6:30 – 8:00pm, in CMS library. Everyone welcome!

Join us for Fall Family Night!

Our annual Fall Family Night is tomorrow (Friday, Nov. 2) from 4pm-7pm in the CMS Quad. Join us for this FREE multicultural event and sample tasty bites from around the world. Come see dance performances and listen to the CMS A-Band and CMS Choir!

Students can get a “passport” when they arrive, travel the world, then enter a drawing for prizes!

Most important – meet other CMS families and learn about their heritage! Make new friends and strengthen the bonds of our CMS community!