Helen Mah needs invoices for tricycles. Jeanine Woodell just gave invoices for parking signs. Mike Cellini to get SRTS invoice from Leslie.
After discussion, motion made by Heather Marklein: If a budget item is preapproved, then one signature (instead of typical two) will suffice on the check to the payee, vs. two. Seconded by Julie Crane. Motion carries.
Need another $1,000 for domain hosting added to budget. Jackie Crane makes motion re: same. Heather Marklein seconds. Motion carries.
Please get receipts to treasurers ASAP.
Mike Cellini gives overview of how funds are spent (teachers come to him, he funds if aligns with school goals and he has the money. If he doesn’t have the money in his school budget, then takes to CMS-PTO).
WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) funding request: $1,100 tees, $500 food for training days: $1,600 total. See below for additional details. Motion made to fund this request by Jackie Grapa. Seconded by Heather Marklein. Motion carries. Money for this will be spent in August.
Steering Committee for strategic plan for school district. Portrait of a Graduate input. Leslie Mains to share with us. Strategic plan for next 4P5 years. Will vote on it fall 2019. Anu Iyer is new intern at CMS. Ms. Jean Wang subbing at another school for 3 weeks; back 1/7/19.
Mamta Kochar: goal is to have two speakers before calendar year ends. College funding.
Angst documentary screening for parents and students: Heather Marklein to send proposal to Mamta. Mike Cellini: coordinate with other schools on the screening, as well as the district, so it’s a success (like Race to Nowhere a while ago).
Bernie Urbina: Spring Sporting Event. Brainstorm ideas for it. Need help from entire CMS-PTO board to make it a success.
Student Council fundraiser – need to coordinate CMS-PTO fundraiser with theirs. They are doing theirs on 1/15 at Panda Express. CMS-PTO will have Dine Out event in February at Pizza My Heart.
Box Tops competition extended to 12/14. Grades competing!
Betsy Slattery. Heard back from Disney; we have been approved for 20 Disney tickets. Valid for two years. Each is single day Park Hopper.
Need to be most assertive at beginning of the school year when asking for donations to CMS-PTO. Save some tickets to give away to attendees/donors of Back to School Night.
Raffle for parents who have donated to CMS-PTO from the beginning of school year to year-end. Do separate email blast re: raffle next week. Year-end tax letter at same time. Matching reminder at same time.