CMS-PTO Meeting

Cupertino Middle School - Office Conference Room 1650 S Bernardo Ave,, Sunnyvale, CA, United States

CMS-PTO Meeting (August)

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 6829 7481 Passcode: gobears! 2020-08-18 CMS-PTO Meeting Agenda 2020-08-18 CMS-PTO Meeting Minutes

CMS-PTO Talk: “Parenting a Virtual Learner”

For better or worse, parents of virtual learners have more oversight and are more heavily relied upon for support. This presentation covers strategies to set your child up for virtual learning success. All great minds do NOT think alike and so parents can make accommodations at home to fit their child’s needs. This presentation describes

CMS-PTO Meeting (September)

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 810 2271 8533 Passcode: gobears! 2020-09-15 CMS-PTO Meeting Agenda1 2020-09-15 CMS-PTO Meeting Minutes