Happy New Year, parents and guardians! We hope to see you at events that we have planned in January and February. As always, if you have any ideas for events or parent education talks, please send an email to communications@cms-pto.org.
Please see descriptions below the dates for more information.
Wed., Jan 8, 2020: CMS-PTO Meeting
7:00pm-8:30pm (please note the time change)
Office Conference Room
Wed., Jan 22, 2020: Dine-out Night at BJ’s Restaurant
BJ’s Restaurant
10690 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino
Wed., Jan 29, 2020: CMS-PTO Talk (Parent Education)
Stress and Anxiety in Tweens and Teens
CMS Library
Wed., Feb 5, 2020: CMS-PTO Meeting
Office Conference Room
Wed., Feb 12, 2020: CMS-PTO Talk (Parent Education)
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
CMS Library
Dine-out Night
Dine out (or take out) and earn money for CMS-PTO! Our next dine-out night is at BJ’s Restaurant on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 from 5:00-10:00pm. BJ’s is located at 10690 N. De Anza Blvd. in Cupertino. Please show your server the flier at this link when ordering: https://cms-pto.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/CMS-dine-out-1.pdf Or mention the flyer when you call the restaurant at 408-865-6970 and place a take-out order.
CMS-PTO Talk (Parent Education)
Stress and Anxiety in Tweens and Teens
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 from 6:30-8:00pm in the CMS Library
Anxiety is the most common emotional problem in children. Students can experience test anxiety and social anxiety, as well as other types. Anxiety can present itself as nervousness, but can also include things such as a stomach ache, inattentiveness, aggression, or disruptive behavior.
Join us as Dr. Mark Reinecke, Clinical Director of the Child Mind Institute, San Mateo, speaks about stress and anxiety in tweens and teens. He will discuss symptoms of such concerns and present some helpful tips about how you can identify and help your child manage their stress and anxiety.
Please RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cms-pto-talk-stress-anxiety-in-tweens-teens-tickets-86467830609
CMS-PTO Talk (Parent Education)
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 from 6:30-8:00pm in the CMS Library
Did you know that suicide is the second leading cause of death of children ages 10-14? Did you know that one in five California high schoolers have considered suicide? Did you notice the suicide hotline phone number on the back of your student’s ID card?
Youth death by suicide happens in our area. It’s not only the overly sad, depressed students who contemplate suicide. Students who are bullied, who feel that they can’t please their parents, or who struggle in class may contemplate suicide. Students who are high-achieving academics or top-tier athletes also consider it.
Dr. Mark Reinecke, Clinical Director of the Child Mind Institute, San Mateo, will speak about warning signs, what steps to take, and how to talk to your child about suicide. Even if you believe that your child would never attempt suicide, you should come to this CMS-PTO Talk. Learn how to have an open dialogue with your child about this issue. Get advice on what your child should do if they hear a friend threatening suicide. Our whole community needs to be educated about this critical topic.