Safe Routes to School Community meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018

Please join us at a community meeting on Monday, November 26, 2018, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Homestead High School Library, to provide feedback on the Homestead Road Corridor Safe Routes to School Study.

In June of this year, the County Board of Supervisors approved one-time funding to secure a consultant to develop a multi-jurisdictional conceptual plan for additional on-street safety improvements to the Safe Route to School on the Homestead Road corridor for students coming to and from West Valley Elementary School, Cupertino Middle School, and Homestead High School.

The overall objective of the study is to identify near-term pedestrian and bicycle improvements on Homestead Road, from Grant Road to N. Stelling Road/Hollenbeck Avenue, and to seek funding for the identified improvements through various grant applications.

The purpose of the community meeting on November 26, 2018, is:

• Introduce the scope of the study and provide a study schedule and process;

• Present existing conditions observed through data collection and field observations; and,

• Receive community feedback on existing issues and priorities for the corridor.

There will be a second community meeting in early 2019 to:

• Provide an update to the community on the study status;

• Present proposed concepts; and,

• Receive community feedback on the proposed concepts that have been developed based on input received from first community meeting.

Homestead High School is located at 21370 Homestead Rd in Cupertino. Parking will be available in either of the lots on campus.…/general-informat…/map-and-directions

More information about the study can be found at:…/…/PnS/CP/Pages/Homestead-Rd.aspx

For questions regarding the study or to contact project team, please send an email to:

Chipotle Fundraiser – Tuesday, Oct. 30

Don’t let last-minute Halloween prep foil your plans for a fun, family dinner. On Tuesday, October 30, eat at Chipotle and they’ll donate money to CMS-PTO! Visit the location at 20688 Homestead Road in Cupertino from 5:00pm-9:00pm and mention CMS-PTO or show them this flier at checkout. It’s that easy! Your family will get a great meal and CMS-PTO will get 33% of the proceeds. We look forward to seeing you. Thank you for supporting our students, staff, and school.

CMS-PTO Meeting – October 3, 2018

If you are able, please join us for the second CMS-PTO meeting of the year. All are welcome!
The meeting is Wednesday night, Oct. 3, 2018, starting at 6:30pm in the CMS Library.
Please see below for the agenda:

Board Meeting Agenda

October 3, 2018

6:30 – 7:30pm

Venue: CMS Library

  1. Meeting call to order
  2. Review and approve draft minutes from last meeting.
  3. Officer & Committee Reports

    • President’s Report (5min.)
    • Communications Report (5min.)
    • Treasurer’s Report (5min.)
    • Community Programs Report (10min.)
      1. CMS-PTO Talk Update
      2. Fall Family Night Update
    • Fundraising Report (5min.)
      1. Fundraising efforts for October, November, December
  4. Unfinished Business (10min.)
    • Approval of CMS-PTO bylaws
    • Brainstorm ideas on how to get student input on CMS-PTO
    • Date needed for Fitness Jam/ Junior Olympics
  5. Principal’s Report (5min.)
    • CMS Community Engagement Meeting Summary
  6. New Business (15min.) – Including Proposals and Announcements
  7. Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 7 – 6:30pm – 7:30pm


Meeting called to order: 6:36

Board attendees:

May Bakken
Maria (Bernie) Urbina Maia ElderIKadar
Michal Lapede
Betsy Slattery
Mike Cellini
Heather Marklein
Julie Crane
Jackie Grapa
Helen Mah
Parent attendees were also present.

1) Officer & Committee Reports: a) Secretary

i) Quorum present.

Board Meeting Minutes: FINAL

October 3, 2018 6:30 – 7:30pm Venue: CMS Library

  1. ii)  Review draft minutes from 9/5/18 meeting. One typo: Chipotle donates 33% of profits to CMS during Dine Out Nights, not 50% as stated in draft minutes.
  2. iii)  Motion: Dispense with reading of 9/5/18 minutes. Seconded. Motion carries.
  3. iv)  Motion: Adopt 9/5/18 minutes (with one change re: Chipotle) as final. Seconded. Motion carries.
  1. b)  President (will discuss her news below with other leaders)
  2. c)  VP, Communications
    1. i)  CMSIPTO web site address needs to be put up on marquee
    2. ii)  Need communication norms for board – response times for emails, etc.
    3. iii)  CMS photo permissions and restrictions are specific to news media. How many people have opted out of having their child’s picture in media?
    4. iv)  Web site goals – Betsy will email us to solicit ideas.
    5. v)  Added six FB people since last meeting.
    6. vi)  Found media contacts for local newspapers. Will send story ideas.

vii) Attended to student council meeting

  1. d)  Treasurers’ Report

    i) September donations: $9694
    ii) Available balance to spend as of 10/3/18 = $62,711
    iii) New handout: CMSIPTO Reimbursement Procedure 2018I2019. In Google Drive. Also attached. iv) See attached Treasurer’s Report

  2. e)  VPs, Community Programs
    1. i)  Fall Family Day
      1. (1)  Banners up for Fall Family Day, postcards will go out on Friday to all students
      2. (2)  Sponsors locked in
      3. (3)  Shopping bags as giveaways
      4. (4)  Motion: $2,000 moved from CMSIPTO admin fund to Multicultural Event Fund, for marketing expenditures to promote the event (canvas bags, etc.). Seconded. Motion carries.
      5. (5)  Need signIup sheet for people to volunteer online. Link to sheet from emails, Facebook posting, etc.
      6. (6)  Thankful tree activity
      7. (7)  SchoolIwide blast to promote Multicultural Event
      8. (8)  Promote to students via Morning Announcements
    2. ii)  CMS Talk: Tech Savvy Parenting, in library next week.
    3. iii)  January 23: CMS Talk for Kids: CMS alumni panel
  3. f)  VPs, Fundraising

    i) October: Chipotle. They give 33% of net profits to CMS. Tuesday, 10/30. 5I9pm. Homestead Rd. ii) November: remind parents re: donations…end of tax year.
    iii) December: Box Tops boxes outside the office. Grade contest.

2) Unfinished Business

  1. a)  Approval of CMSIPTO bylaws. Motion to provisionally approve and adopt until next meeting. Second. Motion carries. Vote to adopt at next meeting.
  2. b)  Brainstorm ideas on how to get student input on CMSIPTO. Idea: PTO Student Advisory 1I2x per month, tell students what’s going on and vice versa. Revisit this issue after Winter break.
  3. c)  Date needed for Fitness Jam/Junior Olympics: after Yosemite trip.

3) Principal’s Report

a) Update re: first CMS community engagement meeting. Will share information about what was discussed (videos, prompts). Gathering info for strategic plan. Want input from everyone. Walked staff through same process.

4) New Business

  1. a)  Group of parents wanted to donate pumpkins to students. Motion to accept pumpkin donation. Seconded. Motion carries. Shall we sell as fundraiser or ask for donations, or just give away? Perhaps have available at CMS Talk on TechISavvy Parenting. Too late to sell at Fall Family Day since that happens after Halloween. Idea for next year: pumpkinIcarving contest?
  2. b)  April 5 Spring (rain May 10) Fitness Day. Five PE teachers signed up to give 5 hours. Ms. Woodell to give names to Mamta.
  3. c)  Donation incentives: raffle for people who have donated?

Meeting adjourned: 7:35pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 7 – 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Share Your Culture – Volunteers Needed!

Do you know a lot about Brazil, Nigeria, Canada, or any other country? Want to share your culture with the CMS community? If yes, CMS-PTO needs your help for our annual Fall Family Night. This multicultural event showcases food, music, dance, arts, and crafts from around the globe.

We are looking for parent and student volunteers to host a booth representing their own or any country. You can prepare bite-size food for sampling (a crowd favorite!), lead a craft activity, teach some basic greetings in your native language, teach a few dance steps, show art, or share other aspects of your culture!

CMS-PTO will provide tables, chairs, and reimburse up to $100 in expenses for each booth. If you need additional people to assist in your booth, we’ll find you help or help you ourselves!

When: Friday, November 2nd, 2018; 4pm – 7pm

Where: Cupertino Middle School Quad

If you would like to volunteer please sign up here.

Please email if you have any questions.

CMS-PTO Board Meeting – Wed., Sept. 5, 6:30pm-7:30pm

CMS-PTO will have its first board meeting of the school year on Wednesday, Sept. 5, in the CMS library. It will start at 6:30pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!

The agenda is below.

Board Meeting Agenda

September 5, 2018

6:30 – 7:30pm

  1. Meeting call to order
  2. Review and approve draft minutes from last meeting
  3. Officer & Committee Reports

    • President’s Report: (5min.)
    • Communications Report (5min.)
    • Treasurer’s Report: Review treasurer’s report, actual vs. proposed budget, vote on expenditures. Reimbursement process presentation. (10min.)
    • Auditor’s Report (5min.)
    • Community Programs Report (5min.)
    • Fundraising Report (5min.)
  4. Unfinished Business (None)
  5. Principal’s Report (5min.)
  6. New Business (15min.) – Including Proposals and Announcements
  7. Adjournment


Board Meeting Minutes: APPROVED September 5, 2018

Board Attendees:
Helen Mah, Co Treasurer
May Bakken, President
Betsy Slattery, VP Communications
Heather Marklein, Secretary
Jackie Grapa, Co Treasurer
Michele Lapede, Co VP, Fundraising
Maia Elder-Kadar, Co VP, Fundraising
Kim Pantoja, 7th grade math teacher (teacher representative)
Maria “Bernie” Urbina Alonso, Co VP, Programs
Mike Cellini, Principal
Mamta Kochar, Co VP Programs
Julie Crane, Parliamentarian (arrived prior to New Business voting)

Meeting comes to order at: 6:33pm. A voting quorum is present.



  1. Proposed Bylaws: Will review and possibly amend again in January 2019. Send any immediate feedback to May Bakken. Vote next meeting.
  2. Greeted staff with J. Grapa and snacks at back-to-school morning
  3. Welcome Back event was well received, well organized. Send May

    suggestions for improvements.

  4. Back to School Night: some teachers played CMS-PTO video, some didn’t.

    Some connectivity issues. Would like to figure out a way to promote CMS-

    PTO at BTSN that doesn’t put a hardship on teachers.

  5. Coming up: coffee or tea or donuts with CMS Principal and parents.

    Thinking of hosting during the last week of September. A parent suggested this idea and will run it.

Page 1 of 1


  1. All CMS-PTO logos are available on CMS-PTO drive.
  2. Social network: 184 members on Facebook. Ask others to join. Will send

    invitations to staff members.

  3. Web page:

    a. Adding donations “thermometer.”
    b. Working on redesign.
    c. “Donate” page: okay for donors to write check to CMS-PTO or

    CMSF; email for clarification but for Corporate Matching, please select “CMSF” under nonprofit listing (not school listing); same tax ID (or EID) number = 47-2764057. Betsy to put clarifying verbiage on web site.

  4. 60 people signed back-to-school volunteer list
  5. Third CMS-PTO “Everyone Belongs” banner to be posted on Helena
  6. Swag is in the main office. Should give more out at future events.
  7. Online CMS-PTO group calendar is in progress
  8. Outside vendors wanting us to promote their goods/services on CMS-

    PTO Facebook page

    1. Informal policy: if CMS already has an ongoing relationship with

      the vendor, okay to post about it on CMS-PTO Facebook page. If CMS does not have an ongoing relationship with the vendor, we will route such requests to the school. If the school then decides to work with the vendor, we can post information about it on the CMS-PTO Facebook page as appropriate.

    2. Okay for parents of feeder schools (Homestead High School, etc.) to post information about their school’s activities (such as Featherettes) on our Facebook page, since many parents would be interested in learning about available opportunities for their kids at those schools.
  9. Okay to put on outdoor school marquee.


  1. See attached report.
    a. Most matching donations will come in October/November. b. Participation rate is higher than last year for CMS Foundation

    (more have donated via credit card at this point in time vs.

    previous years)
    c. Bank balance as of 9/4/18: $80,995
    d. Available balance to spend as of 9/4/18: $54,826

  2. New individual reimbursement form available for CMS-PTO volunteers. Will also be online. You can also take pictures of receipts and submit with form online.
  3. Auditor’s report (Connie Wu)
    a. July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 audited.
    b. See attached report. We passed review.

Page 2 of 2


  1. Focusing on two types of programs this year: community and education
  2. Secured a parent speaker for Tech-Savvy Parenting on Wed., 10/10 at

    6:30pm. Speaker is Dr. Leena Khanzode. ~ 70 attendees attended event at nearby schools. Do Eventbrite invitation or similar. Event Center already booked for another event.

  3. Early January tentative event: alumni panel re careers.
  4. Fall Family Night, 11/2/18 from 4-7pm. “Thankful Tree” or similar

    student activity. Will email parents to request volunteers to help

    coordinate this event. Can send email blast from CMS to all parents, too.

  5. Spring Event: fitness related. Junior Olympics, Fitness Jam…April TBD.

    Check which CMS sports are being held at that time (track and field?) and tie in if possible. Also to see whether facilities (field) are available.


  1. Publicize via web site, Facebook, flyer, etc.:
    1. Amazon Smile. Already on as PTA. Need to change to CMS-PTO.

      (CMSF also has an Amazon Smile account; already informed Treasurers to change to CMS-PTO. They will do it soon. Treasurers have password to this.)

    2. Sports Basement
    3. Lucky Rewards
    4. Box Tops

      i. Have student council help manage the program.
      ii. Contest to be held in December and April/May timeframe.

      Grade that wins gets a small prize.

  2. Family Dine Out nights
    1. Chipotle donates 33% of net profits. October and March. Student Council may already have Chipotle event planned; follow up.
    2. Pizza My Heart? Nick the Greek? Ideas? Panda Express + Baskin

      Robbins or similar duo? Nice to have dinner + dessert.

  3. Book Fair: not run by CMS-PTO. Different team (led by Maya Bronicki)
  4. Remind parents re: donations toward end of this calendar year.


  1. School year off to a great start
  2. Bear Pride big success: Be Safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.
  3. Bear Bravos for positive reinforcement.
  4. First fire drill today. Students and staff learning protocol for each potential


  5. Emails coming from CMS vs. CUSD will now be differentiated in email

    subject line.

  6. Focusing on school climate and culture. Activity every Friday. Ask your

    child if he/she has heard about it.

a. Had CMS adult tricycle race in quad area. Kids were extremely

excited. Teachers dressed up. Big morale boost.

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1. Proposal: Fund four adult tricycles for future races

Estimated cost = $1405.95.
Motion: made by Heather. Seconded by Maia. Oral vote. Motion carries by unanimous vote; funds approved.

2. Proposal: Boxes for Bear Bravos/Box Tops per grade level Estimated cost = $150.00.
Motion: made by Michele. Seconded by May. Oral vote. Motion carries by unanimous vote; funds approved.

3. Proposal: Crossing Guard for Foothill Expy. – Arboretum intersection (near Lucky supermarket). To be paid to City of Los Altos.

Estimated cost = $2,160.00.
Motion: made by Betsy. Seconded by May. Oral vote. Motion carries by unanimous vote; funds approved.

4. Proposal: Treasurer requests budget approval for guest speakers ($5,000), teacher/staff appreciation ($2,500) and Welcome Back Event ($500).

Motion: made by Nanette. Seconded by Jackie. Oral vote. Motion carries by unanimous vote; funds approved.

Other New Business: think about how we can get students involved in CMS- PTO, and vice versa. Will add as agenda item for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at: 7:48pm

Next meeting we will not be voting on spending proposals; teachers need not be present:
Wed, 10/3/18 at 6:30pm.


Register for CEEF’S “RUN FOR GREAT SCHOOLS” 5k and fun run!

Register for fun run and wear your CMS spirit wear to show that CMS supports CEEF, who in turn supports Cupertino Union School District!

The Cupertino Educational Endowment Foundation (CEEF) is committed to supporting outstanding Public Education for students in the Cupertino Union School District (CUSD). CEEF works in partnership with CUSD, parents, and the community to raise funds for excellent educational programs that are beyond what is possible through federal and state funding.