It’s Staff Appreciation Week!

An easy way you and your student can say “thank you” to the CMS staff is by writing notes. Kids can give their notes directly to staff members or they can leave them in a box in the office. There are so many people who make CMS a great place for our kids – teachers, instructional assistants, office support staff, librarian, custodians, cafeteria staff, administrators, and others. Let them know that you appreciate them! Click on the link below and use the template for your notes.

CMS Notes for Staff

CMS-PTO Talk: How to Pay for Your Child’s College Education

The next CMS-PTO Talk is on Wednesday, May 8 at 6:30pm in the CMS Library. Have you wondered how you’re going to pay for your child’s college education? Do you have questions about financial aid? Are loans the answer? Should you have a 529 Plan? Join us as a Certified College Planning Specialist explains these things and more. Please RSVP at

Staff Appreciation Week – May 6-10, 2019

May 6-10 is Staff Appreciation Week at CMS! Cupertino Middle School Parent Teacher Organization (CMS-PTO) wants to celebrate all the wonderful employees at CMS and we’d like you to join us. After all, every parent and guardian of a CMS student is automatically a member of CMS-PTO. We are fortunate to have great teachers, administrators, office staff, instructional assistants, support staff, cafeteria staff, custodians, and so many others who support our kids at CMS.

We’ve come up with three easy ways that you can help let our staff know how much we appreciate them!

1. Here are some blank notecards that you and/or your student can use to write appreciation notes to the CMS staff. Your kids can give the written notes directly to their teachers during Staff Appreciation Week, May 6-10. If there are notes for any other staff members, students can leave them in a box in the office. Please feel free to print as many notecards as you need.


CMS Notes for Staff



2. CMS-PTO will be providing meals and treats to the CMS staff during Staff Appreciation Week.
Monday: breakfast

Tuesday: Korean lunch provided by some wonderful parents

Wednesday: trail mix bar

Thursday: catered lunch

Friday: ice cream


Parents can sign up to bring breakfast items on Monday, May 6, and ingredients for Wednesday’s (May 8) trail mix bar. Please use this link: Staff Appreciation Week May 6-10, 2019




3. Donate gift cards! Every day during Staff Appreciation Week, there will be drawings for staff members to win gift cards that have been donated by CMS families. Who wouldn’t want a gift card to Amazon, Visa, Target, or Starbucks? Please drop off donated gift cards in the CMS office before Friday, May 3.


We know that every family shows appreciation differently. The ideas listed above are only a few ways we can show the CMS staff how much we appreciate all they do for our children.

If you have questions, please contact Betsy at

CMS-PTO Talk this week! Where Did My Sweet Baby Go?

Join us this Wednesday, April 10, 2019, for a CMS-PTO Talk! It will start at 6:30pm in the CMS Library.

Are you sick of backtalk, disrespect, laziness, lack of motivation, arguing, swearing, lack of cooperation, lying, dark looks and mood swings?

In this workshop that focuses on adolescent behavior, learn

• the key job of parenting a teen.

• how you can manage the behaviors that make you feel like someone has replaced your child with an alien.

•how to keep a close child-parent bond while at the same time giving your tweens and teens the increased freedom that they need.

•how to handle a teen’s need for risk and rebellion.

Elisabeth Stitt is the author of Parenting as a Second Language: A Guidebook for Joyfully Navigating the Trials, Triumphs and Tribulations of Parenthood and the founder of Joyful Parenting Coaching. A teacher in the Redwood City School District (Redwood City, CA) for 25 years, Elisabeth brings over 50 thousand direct contact hours with kids of all ages. Having taught over 3000 students, she has seen all kinds of kids and all kinds of families.

Please RSVP at

CMS-PTO April Meeting and Election

Please join us on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 at 6:30pm in the CMS office conference room. CMS-PTO will have its regular monthly meeting AND hold an election for 2019-20 board officers.

CMS-PTO Talk: Drugs, Alcohol, and Other Substances – How to Talk to Your Kids About Use and Abuse

There is a CMS-PTO Talk is this week!

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019: CMS-PTO Talk Drugs, Alcohol, and Other Substances – How to Talk to Your Kids About Use and Abuse. 6:30-7:30pm in the CMS Library. For more info and to RSVP:

Please update your calendars!

Monday, Feb. 25, 2019: Homestead Rd. Corridor Safe Routes to School Community Meeting. 6-8pm in the Homestead High School Auditorium
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2019: CMS-PTO Talk Drugs, Alcohol, and Other Substances – How to Talk to Your Kids About Use and Abuse. 6:30-7:30pm in the CMS Library. For more info and to RSVP:
Tuesday, March 5, 2019: CMS-PTO Meeting. 6:30-8:00pm in the CMS Office Conference Room. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A NEW DATE FOR MARCH’S CMS-PTO MEETING.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019: What the Future Holds for CUSD – a talk with Superintendent Dr. Craig Baker 6:00-6:30pm in the CMS Library. Please RSVP
Wednesday, April 3, 2019: CMS-PTO Meeting and Election of 2019-20 CMS-PTO Officers. 6:30-8:00pm in the CMS Office Conference Room.
Friday, April 5, 2019: CMS Spring Fling! 4:00-7:00pm on the CMS Fields.

Two days until this CMS-PTO Talk – register now!

Today’s tweens and teens can feel anxious about things such as school, friendships, puberty and growing up, and a lot more. Sometimes, anxiety can lead to feelings of depression. It’s not always easy for our kids to share their feelings with us. In this CMS-PTO Talk, you will learn to recognize the signs of anxiety and depression in your children and how to help them cope. Learning these tips now may help you prevent your child from advancing to self-harming behaviors.

Wednesday, January 30 from 6:30pm-7:30pm in the Cupertino Middle School Library