CMS-PTO needs board members for the 2020-21 school year! 

Interested in volunteering at CMS? Do you like event planning? Are you a wordsmith or are numbers more your thing? It can be hard to find volunteer opportunities at middle school, so being on the PTO board is a great way to be involved.

If you are interested in any of the CMS-PTO positions listed below, please fill out this form:    Your completed form must be turned in by 5pm on Monday, April 27, 2020.

     The election will be held online on Thursday, April 30, 2020. An online ballot will be sent to all CMS parents.

We will announce the new board members on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 7pm via a Zoom meeting.

Topic: CMS-PTO Meeting

Time: Apr 30, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 7328 1932

Password: CMS

 If you have any questions, please send them to or

The new board’s term starts on May 1, 2020. Due to current conditions, planning and meetings will happen electronically and telephonically, until we are allowed to do otherwise.

Brief descriptions of the board roles are (please note that all positions can be co-chaired):

* President: The President shall preside at all meetings and set the meeting agendas. He/she shall have general supervision and direction of the business of the CMS-PTO and its officers and agents. The President shall serve as the primary contact to the school Principal, and represent the organization at meetings outside the organization.

* Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings. He/she shall keep record of all meeting agendas and approved minutes, and distribute draft and final minutes to all Directors. He/she shall maintain the Board roster, be custodian of the corporate records, and maintain any other records as may be required by the President or the Board.

* Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep record of the CMS-PTOʼs budget, file all required tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service and the California Franchise Tax Board, and prepare financial reports and projections as needed. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all monies due or belonging to the CMS-PTO. He/she shall deposit the same in a bank designated by the Board in the name of the CMS-PTO. The Treasurer’s accounting books at all times shall be open to inspection by the Board and he/she shall report to them at every regular meeting the condition of the CMS-PTO finances and every item of receipt or payment not before reported. The Treasurer shall draft and present to the Board of Directors a full-year report at the end of each school year. The treasurer shall cooperate with a third-party audit of the CMS-PTO financial records, to be conducted a minimum of once per year, or more often as directed by the Executive Board.

* Large Events Lead:  Coordinate and lead the larger CMS-PTO events (e.g. Back to School Bash, Fall Family Night, Spring event).

* Small Events Lead:  Coordinate and lead the smaller CMS-PTO events (e.g. parent education talks, parent socials).

* Direct Donations Lead: Drive our direct donation campaign. Work with PTO marketing and communications leads to get out the message to encourage parents to donate.

* Fundraising Lead: Arrange fundraisers, such as dine-out nights and e-waste recycling days. Please note that we do not ask CMS students to sell things for fundraisers.

* Online Communications Lead: Maintain the CMS-PTO website, Facebook page, monthly email newsletter, info for Bear Bulletin, etc.

* Marketing Lead: Create marketing materials, such as beginning- and end-of-year fliers, banners, and marketing fliers for events.

* Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall keep order and ensure that proper procedures are followed at each meeting. He/she should have a working knowledge of Rosenberg’s Rules of Order (found online at and complete knowledge and understanding of the articles and bylaws of the organization.

We look forward to hearing from you,

The 2019-20 CMS-PTO Board